GOLDEN, CO | October 24, 25  and 26, 2024

#RaiseUP Your Voice, Visibility & Business

For More Time Prosperity & Wealth Prosperity 


Welcome to the Extraordinary Women Ignite Conference!


Welcome to your Ignite resource hub for October 24-26! I'm thrilled to join you as we embark on a journey to illuminate your path and explore new horizons in 2025!

Ignite is a sacred space where we stoke the fires of your inner light, awakening the fusion of Soul + Strategy, not only for your business but for your life. It's a place to slow down, tune into our inner wisdom, and connect with a community of remarkable women. It's also a platform to acquire the essential business growth strategies tailored for this evolving world.

It's not just about growth for growth's sake. At Ignite, you will explore two powerful concepts: Time Prosperity and Wealth Prosperity. You will discover how these concepts intersect and coexist harmoniously, allowing you to cultivate your business in ways that create more time for what matters and increase your wealth.

This means cultivating our businesses in unconventional ways—simplifying and operating smartly in our business models. It's about scaling in a way that crafts businesses we genuinely love—businesses that provide us with the precious gift of time and the freedom to live life on our terms.

When we scale, we simplify, fortifying our business foundations with precisely calibrated packaging and pricing structures that facilitate organic growth. This strategy empowers us to create open spaces on our calendars, encouraging innovation and an opportunity to lead with purpose.

Ultimately, it's about fostering growth that resonates with a profound impact. I'm excited to share some of my latest insights and teachings with you at Ignite.

The Extraordinary Women IGNITE Conference offers a real-time opportunity to #RaiseUP your business and craft a blueprint for the audacious steps toward YOUR wild success.

I'm eagerly anticipating the moments of co-creation and transformation we'll share together. Let's embark on this incredible journey!

Important Details You Need to Know

  • The Origin Red Rocks Hotel is located at 18485 West Colfax Avenue, Golden, CO 80401
  • Registration opens at 7:45 am Thursday, October 24.
  • Optional yoga on Day 1 starting at 8:00 am
  •  Visit the booths and start meeting the extraordinary women in the room from 8:25 am - 9 am. 
  • Be in your seat and ready to go at 9 am on the dot! See the full agenda below. 
  • You will have the opportunity to record a mini-podcast interview with Valerie Morris in our event live podcast booth. I will be compiling select segments into an Extraordinary Women Radio episode. Book your interview here.

Let the ripple begin!

Much love,





Thursday, October 24:

Amplify the Vision of Your Business & #RaiseUP the Voice of You - Strategy and Business Building 

  • 7:45: Registration
  • 8:00 – 8:25 am: Yoga with Amy Foreman
  • 8:00 - 9:00 am: Podcast Booth Interviews
  • 8:25 - 9:00 am: Visit the booths and start meeting the extraordinary women in the room

9:00 am:  Conference Kickoff

  • Vision: Creating a Business You Love,  Simplify to Scale, Money, Money, Money
  • Panel of Inspiration
  • Guest Speaker: Julia BernadskyActivating Your Calling
  • Voice: The Brand of You, Your Soul Clients' Journey to You
  • Visibility: Building a Nurturing Sales System
  • Firedancer Panel of Wisdom 

5:00 – Day Ends

5:30 – 7:30 VIP Party at Holidaily Brewery, 801 Brickyard Cir, Golden, CO 80403


Friday, October 25:

#RaiseUP Your Visibility and CEO Business Building Capacities

8:00-9:00: Visit exhibitor booths, Podcast Booth Sessions

9:00: Day Starts

  • Keynote Speaker: Jenn Drummond, We can do Hard
  • Visibility: Your One Message for the World
  • Guest Speaker, Colleen Kern, Ignite Change by Sharing Your Story 
  • Ignite Your Inner Fire
  • Guest Speaker, Paula Friedland, Soul Speaks from the Stage
  • Guest Speaker, Leah Johnson, Transforming Energy into Joy 
  • Firedancer Award
  • Panel of Inspiration
  • Bringing Vision, Voice, & Visibility to Life
  • CEO Planning

5:00 – 7:00: Happy Hour at the Origin Red Rocks Hotel bar (cash bar)


Saturday, October 26:

#RaiseUP YOU!

8:00-9:00: Visit exhibitor booths, Podcast Booth Sessions

9:00: – Day Starts

Guest Speakers:

  • Antonée Thomson, Maximize your Midlife Moxie
  • Rachael Jayne Groover, How to be Unshakable When All Eyes Are On You
  • Kathleen June, Teaching as a Spiritual Act
  • Marta Spirk, Becoming Unforgettable through a TEDx Talk - How to Find, Apply for and Land the Stage

Closing Circle - You Don't Want to Miss this!

2:00:  Day Ends, there won't be a break for lunch on Day 3, so bring the nourishment your body needs


**Hours are subject to change. Please check back for updates.


Steph Sedgwick won’t be live at Ignite, but she’ll be hosting an exclusive online bonus session, Authentic Visibility: Tailored SEO for Women-Owned Businesses in a Multi-Platform World, on November 6th that you won’t want to miss. This session will guide you through the evolving landscape of search and social platforms, teaching you how to boost your online presence while maintaining your brand’s authentic voice.

Ignite attendees who register for our virtual session between October 24-26 will get free access to our bonus training, 7 Quick Wins for SEO Success. In this training, you'll learn simple SEO tips to grow your business naturally and connect with your ideal audience, while staying true to your brand. These tips perfectly complement the strategies from our Authentic Visibility workshop on November 6. Both sessions are exclusive to Ignite's Extraordinary Women, so be sure to register by the end of the conference on October 26 to maximize your benefits!  

Register here.





About Your Host, Kami Guildner


Kami Guildner believes women’s voices matter. She is a connector. A storyteller. A business coach for high vibe women entrepreneurs helping  them build businesses they love with more time prosperity and more wealth prosperity.

She weaves soulful-inspiration into mindful business strategies, and this Soul+Strategy™ approach to business helps her clients succeed in business.

Her clients scale and grow their businesses with a more feminine, abundant approach. Kami’s community of entrepreneurs is creating a new paradigm of entrepreneurship, helping each other raise up in a ripple effect of impact. Her clients have gone on to reach extraordinary heights as consultants, coaches and leaders – achieving exponential revenue growth, landing on big stages, starting software companies, launching new professional organizations, transforming corporate cultures and transforming lives. They are influential and they are changemakers.

Kami is the host of the award-winning Extraordinary Women Radio™ – a podcast igniting a new paradigm of entrepreneurship with Soul+Strategy at its heart. Extraordinary Women Radio is one of the top 1.5% most popular shows out of 3,294,474 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score (the estimated popularity score), listed by Feedspot in the Top 30 Best Women Entrepreneur Podcasts (at #6!) and has been in the Top 10 Best Business Podcasts in the People’s Choice Podcast Awards for the past seven years, and won Best Business Podcast in 2018! 

She is the Best Selling author of Firedancer: Your Spiral Journey to a Life of Passion and Purpose and was named to the 2020 Twenty-Five Most Powerful Women in Business List by the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce.




Sheraton Denver West Hotel

360 Union Boulevard Lakewood, Colorado, USA, 80228

Phone: (303) 987-2000

Sheraton Denver West Hotel features a prominent location near Denver Federal Center, Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Coors Brewery, Applewood Public Golf Course, Downtown Denver, Pepsi Center, Rocky Mountain Foothills and Golden, Colorado.

Sheraton Denver West Hotel


Contact Hotel Directly for Rates & Availability.

Sheraton Denver West Hotel

 Contact the Ht Block at (303) 215-0100, or book online below.